Monday, April 7, 2008

Is It Too Late For Yahoo

Microsoft is trying to buy Yahoo, but Yahoo firmly believes it will remain an independant company. Yahoo's CEO is extremly analytical and stubborn, and refuses to ever accept the fact Yahoo has a chance of being bought by Microsoft. The deal hasn't yet happened, but it could be in the near future.

Friday, March 28, 2008

CPI and Inflation

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services.

Economics. a persistent, substantial rise in the general level of prices related to an increase in the volume of money and resulting in the loss of value of currency

the act of deflating or the state of being deflated.
Economics. a fall in the general price level or a contraction of credit and available money

stagflation: an inflationary period accompanied by rising unemployment and lack of growth in consumer demand and business activity.

I was suprised to see the other goods and services, such as tobacco and haircuts. I was also suprised not to see stocks on the list.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

How much is $87 Billion? Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
national debt
the financial obligations of a national government resulting from deficit spending.

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trade deficit
an excess of imports over exports

The difference is national debt is the financial obligation, while trade deficit is merley excess of imported goods

National debt is $9.4million

I believe the national debt is more detramental to the U.S. economy. We must stop spending on all the imports, and fix the debt first.

Dollar vs Yen

Monday, March 17, 2008

Financial Collapse

After months of credit worries, the moment finally arrived when it was time for Wall Street to fling open the closet door and confront the monster -- well, in this case, the Bear.
Bear Stearns became the first big bank to fall victim to the credit crunch, announcing that it was going to receive emergency funding from the New York Federal Reserve via J.P. Morgan.
The news sent Bear Stearns shares into a freefall and the Dow Jones Industrial Average on a pit-in-the-stomach rollercoaster drop. The blue-chip index shed 1.6 percent, but amazingly, after this week of gyrations, managed to finish up about 0.5 percent from where it ended last Friday.

It's hard to see past this Bear-induced haze, but the Dow's gain came from two spectacular rallies this week: one on Tuesday, when stocks turned in their best performance in five years after the Fed announced a liquidity plan to loosen the credit crunch and the second on Thursday after Standard & Poor's said there's an end in sight to all of this write-down madness. Those two days helped offset losses the rest of the week thanks to general credit worries, oil's ascent above $111 a barrel and the big finale, the Bear Stearns bailout.
"This has got to be the most skittish and suicidal bunch of shorts that I have ever seen in 45 years," Art Cashin, director of floor operations at UBS Financial Services, told CNBC. "Many of these people are just out of Pampers ... they haven't traded a bear market and watched bear-market turns."
Friday marks the 30th triple-digit close for the Dow so far in 2008. For those of you keeping score at home, that would be 18 negative and 12 positive. The Dow is now down nearly 10 percent for the year.

Monday, March 3, 2008

US economy entering a "Recession"

1-recession: a temporary falling off of business activity during a period when such activity has been generally increasing
2)Is the American economy heading toward a recession? ABC World News business correspondent Betsy Stark talks about the disappointing report that the nation only added 18,000 jobs last month.
Bill Blakemore: Betsy, is 18,000 far off the mark of what is considered healthy?Betsy Stark: Oh, it’s way off the mark of what’s considered healthy. You need about 100,000 jobs to just absorb all the new people who come into the job market every month looking for work. So this really is a bleak number. And the other thing that happened was there was a 3/10th of a percent jump in the unemployment rate to 5%. So put those two things together and it’s really flashing recession

3) If the country continues spending carelessly and the economic situation does not improve, the country will probably face a strong recession.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Microsoft makes offer to buy Yahoo!

Microsoft will be giving Yahoo $31 per share and stock in the company. Microsoft has a bid of 44.6 Billion dollars.

I believe the final purchase price will be higher than the $44.6 billion offered, because it's obvious that Microsoft wants to buy Yahoo, and Yahoo business men should get as much money from Microsoft as they can. So the final purchase price could possibly be 45 billion.